Our People
Last Updated: Jan 22, 2025, 12:16 PM
Dean's Message
Welcome to the College of Arts and Media at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
CAM, as we fondly call it, is the creative hub on campus and in the region. With its six remarkable schools in Architecture, Art and Design, Journalism and Advertising, Media Arts, Music, and Theater and Dance, CAM boasts a variety of academic programs, from undergraduate to master’s, M.F.A., or Ph.D. All these schools and programs have one thing in common — creativity.
If you are a student with a thirst for creativity, CAM is the perfect academic home for you. If you are an artist, designer, performer, scholar, or writer who wants to share expertise and skills with others and enjoys collaboration, CAM is the ideal work environment for you. If you are keen on supporting arts and media education, research, and practice, CAM is the dream college for you to sponsor.
In this new website of our newly organized college, you will find the nationally and internationally renowned artists, designers, performers, scholars, and writers who make up our faculty. You will meet our brilliant and dedicated staff. You will see photos and videos of our talented students’ creative and hands-on learning experiences. You will notice the long history of our six schools and feel a strong sense of Saluki pride. You also will learn about the various arts and media events that CAM offers throughout the year. Most important, you will be excited and inspired by the CAM community’s aspirations and endeavors for making the college a premier creative hub in the Midwest, the nation, and the world.
Thank you for your interest in CAM. In our college, you will learn, work, and have fun creating and collaborating.
Go Salukis and CAM!
Warm regards,
Hong Cheng, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor
College of Arts and Media