Student Resources


Last Updated: Dec 16, 2024, 02:50 PM

Recruitment and Retention

The College of Arts and Media strives to empower all to pursue their academic and career goals by providing information and support through the enrollment process. Our Recruitment and Retention (R&R) Coordinator provides high-quality comprehensive college readiness services to prospective students, K-12 faculty, staff, administrators from both public and private sectors, and community-based organizations.


Our R&R provides support to our current students by connecting them to our campus-wide resources, whether they need tutoring, assistive technology, study habits, time management, career exploration, transitioning to SIU, and more. 


CAMbassadors are student volunteers sponsored by the College of Arts and Media (CAM). They play a vital role in facilitating the adjustment of new students to the campus and community through activities such as: leading discussion groups with incoming students and family members; assisting in the preparation of orientation activities and materials; explaining academic opportunities and procedures; acquainting new students with campus services and building locations; and discussing sensitive issues. If you are interested in being a CAMbassador, please send an email to

.Get Involved

Enhance your leadership skills outside of the classroom by joining one of our Registered Student Organizations. You will have hands-on experience, great discussions, and meet faculty and staff. Lifelong relationships will be created with people who can help you go from classroom to career.

Living Learning Communities

Living Learning Communities (LLCs) are one of many ways we support the personal development and academic success of our students. LLCs offer students the chance to live with others who share similar majors or interests. LLCs give students the opportunity to interact with faculty and staff.

Members of the College of Arts & Media LLC have some amazing advantages provided to them. LLC members can learn about career opportunities in their majors; meet faculty and staff; and be among the first to receive information about special events, guest speakers, and other opportunities. Kellogg Hall is in West Campus. Living in the LLC helps Arts & Media students better connect with extracurricular activities and involvement opportunities within the college.

The College of Arts and Media has more arts and media under one umbrella than anywhere else in the state. Venture out of the boundaries of your program and create and learn with other CAM programs. All opportunities are open to students regardless of their major and offers hands-on experience.